Hilton Pedals and Accessories
Posted by Gary on 8/26/2018 to
Music is a wonderful gift that humanity has received that is enjoyed by people of all ages. There are numerous instruments that people can play and a popular one with teenagers is the guitar. Something that can certainly enhance the guitar experience is having the right equipment to go along with it. Here are three benefits of Hilton Pedals and Accessories.
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Benefits of Using Hilton Pro Guitar Pedals
Posted by Gary Sill on 8/25/2018 to
Everyone has his or her own idea of what makes a terrific guitar pedal. Hilton Pedals seems to know that quite well, and they make some of the best pedals in the business today. Their Pro Guitar Pedals feature a host of benefits players just won’t find with other supposedly similar items on the market. Let’s look at just a few of the biggest benefits players can enjoy with their Hilton Pro Pedals.

Checking out the new Peavey Session 115 steel guitar amplifier
Posted by Gary Sill on 8/15/2018 to
The new Peavey Session 115 is a great sounding amplifier, with a great sounding light weight neo 15" speaker made at Meridian, MS.
This amplifier is easy to dial in on a pedal steel. Dialing in your sound only takes a minute. Place each of the treble kids and bass at a starting point of straight up (12:00 noon). Get that adjusted in seconds and set your volume and reverb level. You may add in delay or chorus if you like. All those effects are built in this amplifier. You also receive a remote that fits on the leg of your steel guitar. You may turn off or on your effects from the leg of your steel guitar. Convenience and pure clean sound is what you have with this amplifier. Lighter than older Peavey amps, more powerful and a clean sound for steel guitar. Everyone can dial in a great sound with a deep bass sound that other amplifiers lack. The 115 comes in at 250 watts of power, just add the extension cabinet and double your power to 500 watts produced by 2 separate amplifiers inside the Session 115. Separate the amplifiers a bit and hear a wide well rounded sound from your pedal steel guitar. Anyone can easily operate this amplifier and be amazed how much clearer and distinct your pedal steel stands out in the mix.
And it won't break your back moving it!